Please Pray for me because we have quizzes in Economics and in Physics tomorrow. =) Please Pray for me to get a perfect score in our quizzes and to be able to understand our lesson well. Please Pray for my dad as well becuase it's his bday =) God bless Always Pray. Don't forget to Pray.
Please Pray for me that me and my special friend will be in a good a relationship. and for me to have the motivation inspiration and initiative to study for our college entrance exams in MAPUA, De la salle university and university of Santo Thomas. PLease Pray for that father of my classmate Gimuel who is hospitalized. Please Pray for our Youth for Christ National Conference and Liveloud to be successful. Please Pray for our Filed Demo Competition to be a success. Please Pray for us and my classmates that we'll be able to accept reality. Please Pray for the needy broken hearted, homeless and people in pain. Please Pray for my that my mom dad sister brother and all of the people in this world will be safe, away from harm, healthier, will have longer life, will be closer to Heavenly, Holy and Greatest Papa Lord our God and Papa Lord Our God Jesus Christ of all. Thank you. God bless. Always Pray. Don't forget to say a Prayer.
Please Pray for me to do my very best in my studies to be able to graduate with honors. Please Pray for me and for my special someone that we will be okay now. Please Pray for my mom dad sister brother and all of the people in this world will be safe, away from harm, will have healthier and longer life and world peace. God bless! Always Pray~
Please Pray for me.. me and my special someone is having a misunderstanding again.. i dont know what to do anymore. Please help us to be open to one another.. :( i feel so bothered about this.. Please Pray for me to fix my relationship with my friends as well. and for me to have the initiative and motivation to study for our entrance exams this coming sept 29, october and november. and please Pray for my mom, dad, sister, brother and al of the people in this world will be safe, away from harm, will have longer life, will be healthier, there will be world peace. Amen. God bless. Pray~ Don't forget to say a Prayer always. =)
Please Pray for me to do my very best in my studies. Please Pray for me to have the initiative to study for our college entrance examssss. Please Pray for me that my mom dad sister brother and all of the people in this world as well will be safe, away from hard, healthier, will have longer life, will be safe, and may there be world peace on Earth. Please Pray for me that me and my special someone will be back to the way we were before that our relationship is full of love. God bless all of you! Don't forget to Pray~
Thank You because my grades were high. Please Pray for us because we ahve our quizzes tomorrow in Math and In El Filibuterismo. Please pray for me to do my best and to offer everything to Him. Please Pray for my mom dad sister brother and all of the people in this world that we may be safe and away from harm, healthier, will have longer life, will be away from illnesses, sicknesses and harm and that there will be world peace. Please Pray for me and my special friend.. Please Pray for us that everything will be back.. God bless. Always Pray :) Don't forget to Pray! :)
Hi! Please Pray for me. tomorrow is the giving of our report cards. Please Pray for me that i will be included in the Top 10 of IV - Beryl. Please Pray for me that i will not have a final grade of lower than 86. Please Pray for me that I will not be suspended in CAT and in LINK. Please Pray for me that the Heavenly and the Holy Papa Lord our God will help me to give my very best in everything that i will do. Please Pray for me that my mom , dad, sister, brother, and as well as all of the people in this world will be safe, away from harm, will have longer life, and there will be world peace. God bless. Always Pray. Dont forget to say A Prayer Everyday =) And Please Pray for our Youth for Christ LIVELOUD and National Conference be a success and all of the people preparing for it .
Please Pray for me. I feel like im losing my faith in Him. Please Pray for me that iwont be suspended in CAT And in link. Please Pray for me that i wont have a grade of lower than 86 in my report card. and PLease Pray for me to do and give my best in everything that i will do. and PLease Pray for me, my mom dad sister brother and all of the people in this world will be safe away from harm will ahve longer life God bless Pray~ Dont forget to Pray always =)
Please Pray for me that ill be able to do my best in everything that i will do and in everything that i will do may i do it for the Greater Glory of our Heavenly and Holy Papa Lord our God. And Please Pray for me that i will not be suspended in CAT and in LINK. Please Pray for me that i will not have a grade of lower than 86 in my final grade in my report card. Please Pray for me that my mom dad sister brother and all of the people in this world will be safe away from harm, will be healthier stronger more safe and longer life and there will be world peace. and Please Pray for each and everyone of us that our Prayers will be heard by the Heavenly and Holy Papa Lord our God. God bless and always Pray! Don't forget to Pray everyday! =)
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