Good day. Please Pray for my dad that he will noe lose his job not until i finish my last school year as 4th yr high school student in Philippine School Doha Qatar. I Pray that he'll be in good terms with his boss and hiss fellwo officemates and that he will remain calm in his work. I pray that ill be a staff officer in CAT and will have a high rank. I also Pray that God will give me a sign on what perfect college course would fit me. I pray that God will remvoe the wories in my family and the me family of my dad's officemates. I pray that God will heal and be with the people who needs Him now. I pray that God will guide me through my last school year in Qatar. I pPray to God that I'll still be graduating A PSDIAN in Qatar. I pray that i will finish my high school here in Philippine School Doha. Ip ray the everything goes wlel in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless! Prya thanks :D D
Good day. Please Pray for my dad that he will noe lose his job not until i finish my last school year as 4th yr high school student in Philippine School Doha Qatar. I Pray that he'll be in good terms with his boss and hiss fellwo officemates and that he will remain calm in his work. I pray that ill be a staff officer in CAT and will have a high rank. I also Pray that God will give me a sign on what perfect college course would fit me. I pray that God will remvoe the wories in my family and the me family of my dad's officemates. I pray that God will heal and be with the people who needs Him now. I pray that God will guide me through my last school year in Qatar. I pPray to God that I'll still be graduating A PSDIAN in Qatar. I pray that i will finish my high school here in Philippine School Doha. Ip ray the everything goes wlel in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless! Prya thanks :D
Please pray for me that ill be a staff officer in CAT batch 2013-2014 or to have a high riank. for my parents to have a safe flight. and for us to have a safe journey to bataan and pampanga. and for my brother to be safe in his work. for my dad not to be fired from his work. and for me to finish 4th yr high school in philippine school doha qatar. thanks God bless Pray~
Thank You Lord because my dad wasnt fired from his job. Please Pray for me and my dad and my whole mom dad sister and brother. Please Pray that my dad wont be fired from his job due to qatarization. Also to the parents of my classmates who are the officemates of my dad. Please Pray for me that I'll still be able to graduate in Philippine School Doha, Qatar which is the 4th year highschool. Please Pray for me that ill be a staff officer or ill have a high rank in CAT Batch 2013-2014. Thank you :D THank You Lord for all the blessings. May God bless you all! Pray~
Please Ppray for me that God will remove the jealousy and insecurities in my heart. I hope God will motivate me to always do my best in our training and duty in cocc. And for my mom dad sister brother to be healthier safer and will have longer life. and for all the people celebrating their birthday/ anniversary/ monthsary that they'll make God the center of their lives. Thank you! God bless :D Pray~
Please Pray for my friend, Eina that she'll be included in the COCC Applicants who'll be joining the royal guard during the graduation ceremony. and also me :D And for my friend carl that i hope he'll be included in the recognition day. andthat ill be a staff officer in CAT 2013-2014 or have a high rank :) thank you God blessPray and for my mom dad sister brother to have a healthier safer and longer life. God bless :D
please pray for me that ill be included in the silver awardee in the recognion day and my friend carl will be included in the recognition day and my mom dad older sister older btoehr to be healthier safer and will ahve longer life and for me to have high position in CAT or to be a staff officer. tahnk you God belss Pray~
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