help us to Thank God because we won the cheerdance competition in our school. to my family to be safe always.. and for my studies to get better in order to be on Top 10 or Top 5.. and for our layouting for school paper be successful. God bless! Pray~
Please pray for us that we may finish the layouting of our school paper so that it'll be released. for my studies to be better so that i'll be included in the top 10 or 5. :) and for my family to be safe always and away from harm and all of the people of the Earth. God bless :D pray Amen Praise God :D
please Pray for my family to be safe - parents and sibling to be safe always and away from harm. for my studies to get better to be able to be on top 5 or top 10. to thank God beacause i found my turtle. to finish our school paper design. for my school who'll be competiting in OKOR middle east. dfor them to grab ome the bacon God bless! Pray~
please pray for my family to be safe (parents and siblings) for our school layout paper to be done and for it to be printed. for my studies to be better to be able to be on top 5 or top 10. for the feelings for my special someone be back. and for the participants in my school which are competing in middle east. God bless you all Pray! and for the grandmotehr of Maruice Huerto and Mika sanchez for fast recovery. for the mom of my classmate for fast recovery too . God blesd pray :D
That we my family will be safe parents and sibling will be away from harm. for our schoo lpaper to be done by tonight. to be able to do good in my studies for 3rd and 4th quarter and for me to do good in our JS Prom practice. And for me to be forgiven by my friend whom i have hurt. and for the feelings ans spark be back with my speacial someone. for the grandma of maurice huerto, grandma of mika sanchez, and the mom of alex binay for fast recovery thanks God bless Pray~
That we and my family will be safe - my parents and older brother and older sister. that our schoo lmagzine will be finally donw and reprinted and redistributed. and for me to do well in our Js practiece. for the fast recovery of Maruice HUerto's grandmother , for Mikaela Sanchez' grandmother and for the mother of Alexandra Binay. and for all those people awho are sick and in pain wheter emotionally physically and mentally, may they be touched through God's healing hands. And for me tobe forgiven by my friend whom I have hurt. and for the feelings and the spark be back with my speical someone. and for me to do my besti n my studies to be able to be on top 5 or top 10. and to pray for the victims of the gas tank that exploded in Saudi which damay many people. God bless :D Pray! Praise God :) thank you:) may God bless you :D
Help me to thank God for i have been in the top 15 of our class. and our school paper is done. Thank You So much Lord God. I pray for the people who are sick that they may be healed..and for the people in pain - phyisically , emotionally, mentally be healed. :) GOd bless Pray Amen. And for my Alex Binay's mom to be healed, for Mika Sanchez's grandmother to be healed. and for Maurice Huerto's grandmother be healed. and i hope my sharing in Youth for CHrist tomorrow will be successful. Also to the Worship leaders, Youth for Christ members, sharers and those who wil lahve a talk and all service team .God bless Pray Amen Praise God :D
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