I am a carer. for a month and a half now I have no car mine broke down I had to let it go I could not afford the repair it was 22 years old, I can't afford another car yet even an old second hand one not yet, just had this job for one month so can't get credit yet and have bad credit score. I know I can repair the credit score over time but where I live is not in a city, I used to take my dog to a lake to cool down, he can't walk far he doesn't understand why I cant take him on outings now. The lady I care for does not want to take the bus to go shopping on Fridays even though I carry the bags for her and the bus goes from outside her building right to the shopping centre, she makes a huge fuss and gets bad tempered and sulky about it when we cannot get the loan of a vehicle. I pray I can get a car soon or a miracle be given one, I pray to repair my credit score super fast and be able to remortgage, I cannot even do that right now. I feel stuck and I don't want to lose my job either for not having a car. Lord please send help. In my situation a car is not a luxury it's a necessity.