So sad that it takes tragedy to bring us together. It warms my heart to see everyone of every race chipping in to help each other. In times of survival we realize that WE ALL NEED EACH OTHER! God bless Texas and the rest of the gulf states in the mist of hurricane Harvey. Amen
Lately I've been feeling so lost and unfulfilled in life. I have been using other things to compensate for the emptyness only to have it fill me temporarily and leave me emptier than when I started. I am praying for some direction, a goal a purpose in life. Something that makes me feel alive and not just like I'm living. Thank you
Thank you Jehovah for always making a way out of no way. There was never a time that I needed you and you were not there, there was never a time that I didn't need you and you were not there and there was never a time when I didn't know I needed you and you were not there! And for that I am forever grateful 🙏🏾........ Wishing everyone a safe and happy 4th
Thank you Jehovah for my message this morning. It was just the message I needed to receive! #Rightontime
Today, we believe God wants you to know that well done is always better than well said.
Actions are deeper than words, and intentions deeper than actions. Keep on focusing on the deepest level of your being, that's the one that God is listening to.
Doesn't want to ask for anything just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for presenting me with all of theses opportunities and answered prayers. Thank you for clearing my mind so that i am able to hear you clearly and opening my heart so that I can feel you. God you've have shown me over these past few months how real you are if I place all of my worries in your hands. I pray that you give me the understanding to live a life that makes you proud as that is the only true way to show my gratitude and appreciation for everything you do did and have done in my life. Please continue to watch over my loved ones and I pray that everyone who needs it is open to receive your guidance. Amen
Doesn't want to ask for anything just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for presenting me with all of theses opportunities and answered prayers. That you for clearing my mind so that i am able to hear you clearly. God you've have shown me over these past few months how real you are if I place all of my worries in your hands. I pray that you give me the understanding to live a life that makes you proud as that is the only true way to show my gratitude and appreciation for everything you do did and have done in my life. Please continue to watch over my loved ones and I pray that everyone who needs it is open to receive your guidance. Amen
Thank you God for showing me your grace. Whenever I feel down and I speak to you from my heart. It never fails that I receive a sign from you letting me know that you are with me. You have answered countless prayers and ways I didn't even know were being answered. Thank you so much for continuously showing up in my life even when I know I'm not living right. I am forever grateful for your love and mercy. All ways always. Amen
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