Dear God Please give tanesha and metri the strength they need to get through this day, for today they will be burying their mom. Please watch over them and the rest if the speller family and give them what they need to get through this day. Protect them and give them the strength to make it through this trying time. Thank you for bringing ms Vivian into my life cause she always treated me like her own child she is loved and will be missed dearly!!
Please pray for my very dear friend. He had a polip removed from his throat and he us having a pretty hard time. We've had a rocky relationship and I've finally reached the point where I am officially done with him all together. At the same time I don't really want to turn my back on him in his time of need. I want to be there for him as much as I can but without reverting to my old ways!! He's not a bad person just a typical man bit we are not a good mix for each other. Please lord give me some guidance direct my heart to where it needs to be it's like my mind is made up b7
Please Pray for the mother of a good friend of mine. Although we don't speak anymore her mom is really sick she is really close to her mom and I'm sure if anything happened to her she and her girls would be devastated. Please watch over ms vivian lord give her the strength to overcome her illness so she may be around to watch her grands grow up. Also I want to pray for the protection of our 44 president and his family. May you continue to watch over him and our beloved country aswell as my family and friends!! Give us the strength to overcome any and all obstacles that we may be facing and the widdom to know that all things are possible with you!! In Your Name Amen
Please pray for me to have the strength to let go of my worries and pit them in god's hands. I know he will never fail me and any struggle that om going through is just preparing me for the greatness that he really has in store for me. I Know, I Trust and I believe that god has some big plans for me in 2013. Thinking about making some major moves which is vrey scary yet exciting. Im at a fork in the road in my life and i pray that the lord gives me the direction amd guidance that i need to make the right choices and set out on thos great journey that he has laid out for me
Please pray for the innocent lives that were taken in that school.shooting in newtown ct. I pray for the parents that lost children, i pray for the staff that was there to witness first hand that tragedy that was yesterday. 27 lives were lost but 20 of those lives never really got to live!! They were innocent helpless defenseless children. I pray that they will never have to be afraid again because they are in the arms of the lord and that he will ues the to protect and watch over their distraught parents!! I pray for the survivors please lord let them know that they did everthing that they could do to.protect those that couldn't protect themselves. Let this burden be lifted from their lives so that they may go on in peace. Dear god please watch over me and protect my family and friends whom i love dearly. In your name AMEN
I pray that god gives me the strength to get on the path where i know i need to be. I also pray that god watches over and protect my friends and family the people that i care about most in life!! Thank you lord for showering me with and abundance of blessing i am truly blessed and thankful and i pray that you continue to show me and i will continue to thank you for everything in my life good and bad. Amen
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