Leonie Cason
Leonie Cason
Nov 26, 2015

God always has my back

I have had the worst 5 years of my life and the best 5 years if my life. My husband lost his job 5 years ago at the age of 57y and i was the only breadwinner. Some months I did not know how we were going to make it till the end of the month, but somehow, we always managed. we never went without food or transport. I asked for prayers many times on this page for strength and guidance. During the last 5 years we have been blessed with 2 beautiful, healthy grandchildren who are the lights in our lives at the moment. My children have been so supportive and helpful to us during these stressful times, even when they themselves were battling to survive at times. Then, as a result of devine intervention, my husband was offered a very good job in August this year - Praise the Lord - we were so grateful. 1 month later I was told that the company that I had been working for for the past 26 years was bankrupt - I was going to loose my job now . Oh the stress and the anxiety. just when things looked like they were coming right .. another setback. well, today I was retrenched officially , but through constant prayer and faith in the knowledge that my Lord and Saviour will not abandon me in my time of need I can look forward to a new chapter in my life opening up, new doors opening and new opportunities . I KNOW without any hesitation that God has my back. This he has proved to me over and over and over again in the past 5 years and today I am not scared of the future, but look forward to see what he has in store for me . Gone is the fear, the stress and the anxiety of the past.