I ask th Almighty to please look after members of the family that are right now in the hospital. To give a speedy recovery to my uncle, mother in law and sister in law may God but his healing hands on them and give them back their health. For my son to return safe home. For the Lord always be aware and pray for all those that need him regardless of what the need whether it be emotional,financial or health for us to pray for them and to do our part in people lives. To not only bless them and keep them but to have his guardian angels surrond all of us in our hour of need...Amen
LOrd i am asking you to please hear my prayer 1st to please make sure that all my grandkids get better and that there health comes back to them. Also praying Lord for those that are confused, with their hearts full of hatred so they can sit there an think the consequences of any actions. For Oscar to please return that car ask forgiveness to his sister and for him to reflect that is problem is more than he can handle and go to rehab. For the happiness of my 2 boys especially one that can't seem to stop loving someone that dosen't really care for him,, Lord he needs to continue hes life forge ahead and see what u have in store for him.. For Oscar to see the light and begin to make amends. Lord i pray for the ones that needs health wheater here of in NY. Give them ur beautiful Holy Spirit and annoit them with ur Blessings. Peace to this world that is becoming harder and harder to be in help us Oh God..AMEN
Please Lord have mercy on my child and please allow all those devilish thoughts away from him..Allow him to accept that is love for the mother of his children is gone. That he must start over and do everything that he can to continue being a good father to his 2 boys. To find a job that can keep his mind busy with other things and that you will allow him in time to find someone that it's worthy of his love...Please also pray and give strength and comfort to the Japenese people our prayers and with them as well.......
Please allow prayers for my son to finally find happiness and a job were he can look at the world and his children in a different light. Ffor the death of Osana Bin Ladin does not bring more tragedy and death to the world, that we can have some peace. To Bless all the men and woman that are still fighting over seas that they can finally come home safe to their own lives and families...
Lord you have always been their for me even if you are sending me a test. I need for you to help me not lose my faith and hope. For God to please help me husband in his problem with his medication. For the Lord to please help my husband in this horrible case and that the state dosent procede with it. For this problem not to go any further than what it is right now. To help not only us but millions of Americans that are out there without a job. Please allow my son to find a job, for us not to lose our home. I am so desperate Lord i don't know how to pray for help any more...PLEASE HELP ME! So we can please get our finances together and we can have food on the table. For all those lost souls that are out their to return to the flock. Please help me bro-in-law to stop drinking and living in the streets.. I have to continue in this journey without losing hope..thank you..
Lord i need lots of prayers I feel the walls closing at me and every door is closing every day.... Please allow me and my husband, family to come out in the light. I ask prayer not only for my family but for so many lost souls that need you...Send your guardian angels to protect my family and the virtual world out there..for all the others that need prayer in this pages..AMEN
Please join me in prayer for all in on this page and for those that my not think they need prayer even more than the know. For Jessica's father to have a speedy recovery. For the Lord to please let this legal problem that my husband has to go away...For us to have 1 tiny break in our financial situation.. For my son Brian to find a job, for us not to lose our home and for Brian's relationship with his babies mama finally gets fix and they could become a family again the way Jayden my grandson wants. It breaks my heart to see him cry because he wants his mommy and daddy to be back together again and be a family..In God's Name Amen...
Lord I am here humbly giving you Thanks for my husbands legal problem that so far you have taken care of it. I pray for all the virtual family that are here asking you to give them strenght and faith. I ask you to please hear their pleas to you allow them to become more closer to you and have lots of conviction that you are listening. I thank you oh Lord.. Amen
Lord Almighty Please Allow my husbands legal problem on the 26 of this month be minimal. You know that he is a sick man and I ask you to please take mercy on his soul. Please be the judge and jury on that day and may it be what you deem it possible i implore you. Today i hope and pray that all our fallen heroes and families felt the love and strength, hope and faith that all the country had for them. May you continue please to watch over them and Lord they will also always be in our hearts they will never be forgotten..In Jesus Name Amen. I pray also that you find a way for my bro-in law to decide where to go since he can't stay with us. I pray like so many others in his position that he finds a job and can be financially in dependent. For my son Brian to find happiness again either with his baby moms or with someone that you have deem correct for him so she can give him the love that he has to her and for her to respond as well.. Help us Lord in all the areas of our lives...Thank you a prayer to all in this virtual world...Amen' Please allow for members of my family like so many others around the country that they can find jobs to feed there children and to go by with their daily responsability..Amen
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