I am very worried about some exam of mine which is on 28th march 2019. Please God help me to clear it with flying colors. It is very crucial for my life...please God help me so that we can live our life with dignity and honour !!!
Dear GOD...please turn hearts of all including those who wanted to defeat us, defame us, harass us, torture us, cheat us in our favor by your grace....let them realize their mistakes so they themselves rectify their mistakes even without our explanations....i m very stressed because of all this...please help us to overcome this difficult test of life with confidence, honor and dignity...don't let me lose my faith, my peace, my mind, my focus or my joy... .i cant bear anymore so please bring end to all my problems now and forever...once again let the miracle to be happen in the way u have planned n help me to lead optimistic,happy, peaceful, dignified and respected life with my child and parents......O' God ..MAKE MY HEART FIRM IN FAITH !!!
Dear GOD...please destroy all the devils whose want to defeat me, defame me, harass me, torture me, cheat me ...i m very stressed...don't let me lose my joy, my peace, my mind, or my focus... let once again miracle be happen in the way u have planned n help me & my child to lead optimistic,happy, peaceful n respected life !!!
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