I need a financial miracle, please. I'm grateful for whatever you have in store for me.
Prayers please...my daughter will turn 4 at the end of this month.
She has been very sick over the last 2 years with nothing officially diagnosed. We finally discovered that infections in her urine that do not show up in usual tests continue to breed and produce antibiotic-resistant strains. She is on 6 weeks of different antibiotics until we can see a specialist--the only one in the state. Pray for total healing and a clear culture this week. She deserves the life of a healthy 3 and soon 4 year old, and when she is healthy, she lights up the room and those around her. Thank you so much!
Please pray for my daughter who just turned 3 this week. She has been strangely ill, tired, and has been plagued by falls and accidents that have resulted in numerous injuries this week. Today's fall sent her face first into the grocery store checkout counter with no warning pushing resulting in several teeth completely through her lips and chin. No fever...no usual signs of a cold,flu, or infections but something is seriously wrong. I am between jobs so no health insurance. Please calm the anxiety, guilt, and worry that stems from me putting her in such a situation. I ask for total and quick healing for her.
In your name I pray.
Please God, send me in the direction of the path you have chosen for my daughter and me. I am stuck in limbo and cannot see the way. I know you have more planned for us, but I also know making the move my intuition tells me will tear my daughter away from her father. I pray that when we do move forward he will also find the strength to step up and be a better father. I also know that I am standing paralyzed in fear and should have faith that a job and better income will present itself when I find it within me to take a step. I am grateful for your ongoing presence and need to clear the fear away to hear your calling.
God, please help my little girl. She is 18-months old and very sick. We have been to ER 3x over the past month, and she is getting worse. I am out of vacation and sick time, and my boss is reaching his threshhold of patience with my time away and requests to work from home (3x this month). My child's father watches her during the day when I work, but it is becoming apparent that he cannot put her needs first. He will drag her around town for his errands in sleet and snow when she runs 103 degree fever. I wonder if I should quit my job instantly to watch out for her, but I support the 3 of us financially and with insurance. If I do this, I will leave her father and move 8-hours away to be near my family and support. Please guide me.
Please pray that I can see and hear what God is guiding me to do. I cannot see the way, and my 17-month old daughter's life will be forever changed by the decisions I make. I would like to return to my home state where my family and friends live as my parents are aging and my daughter hardly knows them. I see this as a healthier environment for my daughter. Her father lives here and will not move with us, so this will be a total separation from him and his family. Much of his family is toxic, and I have serious concerns about my daughter learning the victim mentality, prejudices, and even addictions of his family. I am scared to pull her away from her father and will have to leave my job with no income reserves.
God help me. I am in a transition and know that I need to move away from my baby's father. I suspect some bad stuff going on but am completely unsure. He is unreliable, and we are reaching a critical point. He watches her while I work during the day, so I know that this could be a major separation for my daughter (13 months). I also don't have the money to move and start again. Please help me to make wise choices and to find the resources to do what is right.
Please pray for my dad. He is struggling in so many ways--financially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The last straw was being told that he will likely lose his eyesight which will takes away the few things he enjoys. He also needs resolution to a problem that has been tearing him apart. I know you will show him a solution.
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Thank you so much.