I am really depressed right now please pray for my nose. Pray that it get healed by taking antibiotics that I wont be needing surgery again please God please pray for me. I already have a nose infection please pray that it will get healed without taking out the implant i dont want to go to another surgery again i dont want to lose the job i have now. Please
I talked to my doctor and he said that my nose is already infected please pray that i wont be needing to go for a surgery again please. Please pray that it will get healed by the medication that I will take. Please pray for me. In Jesus name I believe and pray that I will be healed
Please pray for me. I just got a rhinoplasty 5months ago. And i having problem with it. Please pray that my nose will not get infected and it will he healed. Ive always been bullied because of my nose and now that my dream finally came true and i have gained my confidence, please pray that everything will be okay. Please pray that my nose will be healed and not get infected. Also please pray that I can pass the on boarding stage in my new work so I can support my family. Please pray for me. I know my nose will be healed in jesus name! Amen! Pray for the world’s healing too! God is good all the time! Amen!
Please pray for me. I have fever right now and I want it to go away so I can work for my family. Please pray that my family will stay safe from the virus and and diseases. Pray that I will sell a property because I need it to be able to keep my job. Please pray for the world healing. In Jesus name! Amen! Glory be to God
I accidentally bump my nose really hard, and I just had my rhinoplasty. Please pray that everything will be alright that there will be no serious injury that will happen to my nose now and in the future. Please pray that I will not get infection or have my nose be deform please. This is my dream and it happened and im just scared that something bad will happen to it. But I trust God and i keep my faith in him. Please pray for me.
Please pray for me that I may be able to
Live life happily. Please pray that everything in my life will be okay that my nose will not get in to any accidents and that it heal faster so I can take care if my baby. I pray to this in Jesus name. Glory to God
Tuesday May 11 will be my sutures removal for my rhinoplasty please pray that It wont hurt me too much. I am really scared about it. Please pray that God will guide the hands of the nurse so they will be gentle to me. And also please pray for my family who suffering financially. Please pray for us amen Glory be to God!
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