Please pray for me. I was recently diagnosed with Multiple Scolerous. I just started getting symptoms. I'm so upset. Thank you much. God Bless.
I'm having problems thinking. It is hard to explain. I feel like my ADD, my depression, my anxiety, and my stress level are all on over-drive. Please say a prayer I will understand my thinking, also hard to explain. I just want to think clearly, be lively, and be happy. God knows what I'm saying. Please pray. Thank you so much. God bless.
*Please pray. I accidentally put a casserole in the oven with the saran wrap on it, and it melted into the food. My pregnant sister just took it to a get together she was going to. I forgot to tell her I did this, and was not around when she picked it up to take with her. There is no way to get ahold of her now. Please say a prayer that every person that eats this casserole won't be harmed (especially my pregnant sister), or poisoned. This is harmful, I googled it. Pray they are all okay please. I feel so bad. Thank you. God Bless All.
Please pray for me. I have very bad heartburn, it actually feels like I'm having a heart attack. The pain is all up in my chest and feels like someone is sitting on it. I am also short of breath. I take med for this, but today it is not working. Very painful. Please pray. Thank you, and God Bless.
Please pray for my mother. She is so stressed out finanically, with her health, and all her children. She is the best woman, I just want to see things get better for her. I want her to be happy again like she once was. She is going through a bit of a time right now, beyond rough. Please pray all her long working hours pay off for her, and that things indeed do get better for her overall standing. Thank you. God Bless.
Please pray for my father. He is battling lung cancer and is in stage 3. Thank you. God Bless.
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