Hello there. My mother is going through very bad financial trouble, and not having enough money to pay her bills (even though she works 40-50 hrs per week). I feel so bad. She works so hard, but just doesn't make enough money to cover all the bills per month. I wish that I could help, but I too, am going through some financial trouble. *Please pray that my mom becomes less stressed, less depressed, and something good that will come with her financial situation soon. Please, and thank you so much. This will help us a great deal, and thanks again. God Bless All.
Hello. I would like to thank god for answering my prayer(s) about my transportation issue. *Please pray for me that I find a job, and that I will like it, very, very, very soon. I am so broke and have no money. I need a job badly! Thank you all. Your prayers are much needed. Thank you again, and God Bless.
Hi All. My friend said he might buy me a car, and get me a job at his company (he owns the company). He has said all of this in the past a while ago to me, but he never came through- I was real upset about it. I'm trying to get my life back together, and this will really help out, since I don't have a car right now, and don't have a job also. Please keep me in your prayers. Many thanks. I appreciate it. God Bless.
Hello. Please pray for me. I again, did something today I'm not proud of, and am ashamed. God knows why. I'm trying to get better. Hoping everything will be okay for me; and that I get happy again. I appreciate all your support and prayers. Thank you so much, and as always- God Bless.
Hello. I am severely depressed. I keep thinking about what I had many years ago, I had it all... now no so much. Everything you could possible think of bad- I'm going through it. Please help me pray that I get my head straight, and that my life becomes easier. I need to let go of the past, but it's so hard. Thank you much, and God Bless
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