Take a piece of lined paper and draw a line down from top to the bottom. This leaves you with two columns. Left column, list your skills, hobbies and passions (ie passionate about cars or horticulture), interesting careers you like, places you would like to live or visit. Add to this list for a week or two. Really think about it. Then number them from most liked to least. On the right side, for the top 5 most liked, just take a week or two adding ideas how a person in general could combine those or accomplish those, i.e. my passion for cars > what schools/tech schools have classes I could get experience, could I get a part time job or internship, is there a club I could join to work on cars or grow my knowledge, etc. Any topic can be done this way. On the back of the paper, start writing your steps on how you can accomplish your top goals > school applications, earning money to travel > basically every step it takes to accomplish your goal and get them done one at a time. God does not give us more than we can handle. Keep asking Him for what you want based upon His plan for you, and to give you a path and direction to get there. If you think small, you will stay small. Bless your next step!
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Take a piece of lined paper and draw a line down from top to the bottom. This leaves you with two columns. Left column, list your skills, hobbies and passions (ie passionate about cars or horticulture), interesting careers you like, places you would like to live or visit. Add to this list for a week or two. Really think about it. Then number them from most liked to least. On the right side, for the top 5 most liked, just take a week or two adding ideas how a person in general could combine those or accomplish those, i.e. my passion for cars > what schools/tech schools have classes I could get experience, could I get a part time job or internship, is there a club I could join to work on cars or grow my knowledge, etc. Any topic can be done this way. On the back of the paper, start writing your steps on how you can accomplish your top goals > school applications, earning money to travel > basically every step it takes to accomplish your goal and get them done one at a time. God does not give us more than we can handle. Keep asking Him for what you want based upon His plan for you, and to give you a path and direction to get there. If you think small, you will stay small. Bless your next step!