Lord, thank you for the wonderful gift of life. Despite what's going on around the world, you still showed us good things everyday. It's a miracle and a blessing to be able to wake up everyday. We humbly ask for forgiveness. We don't deserve your unconditional love, Lord. But please forgive us. May You always light up our way and bless ua with good wisdom and good health. In these times, let us draw nearer to You. Protect us always, dear God. May this pandemic be over. Heal those who need healing -physically, mentally and emotionally. Cover us with your Precious Blood, Jesus.
May I humbly pray for my health and my family's health as well. Keep us away from all illnesses. Lord, show us your wisdom. May You also guide my mother's heart to You, your true words and not some false prophecies. Show us Your Mercy, Lord. These I humbly pray in the name of our mighty Saviour, Jesus. Amen.