Prayers of thanks that my brother doesn't have to report for jury duty at the federal court next week (according to the phone call check he did this evening). This is so great because he forgot to mail in the form to ask to be excused from jury duty as it could have been a hardship for him. So thanks to God for working this out for him this way.
Please continue healing prayers for me, and continue praying as we continue our search for a new apartment.
I found out a couple of days ago that my apartment lease will not be renewed at the end of December, so I am now having to look for a new apartment to rent. Please pray that God will lead me to the right one that I can afford. A friend is also worrying that he may end up having to move at some point, as well, so please pray that either he doesn't have to or, if he does, that he won't have any trouble finding a new place.
A friend of mine is having a colonoscopy in the morning. Please pray it all goes well for him, as it is his first one.
Prayers of thanks that physical therapy is helping my father to walk better on his left foot that he'd been having trouble with, and pray that it continues to get better.
Prayers also, please, for a couple of unspoken requests for myself.
Healing prayers for my cousin, please. I believe she's finally home after being in the hospital for a week with double pneumonia & a blood clot in each lung. Pray she continues to heal and recovers quickly.
Prayers, also, please for a couple of unspoken requests for myself.
Prayers, please, for my father as he does PT for arthritis in his foot. Prayers for my mother, too, that the bridge she got for her teets works out and that she's able to get used it and how to clean it correctly. Also prayers for me for a couple of unspoken prayer requests.
Prayers, too, for all those in the path of Hurrican Dorian, and pray that it will move further out to see and not affect the east coast of the US too badly.
Prayers for a friend who is having a hard time dealing with her beloved kitty having a tumor on its spine.
Prayers also for my friend who got a concussion the other day and is also having a hard time coping with the fact of his estranged father's passing. He found out a few months ago that his father had died a few years ago, and accepted the fact, but he recently got details on his death (cause of death and other medical issues he had) and saw the grave, and it all has made the death a bit more real for him and it's hitting him harder now.
Prayers please, as well, for a couple of unspoken requests for myself.
Prayers for my father, please. He got his foot looked at the other day as to why he's been having trouble moving it up and down. X-rays showed arthritis and bone spurs, I believe. He's going to get fitted for an orthopedic boot (or something) and do some PT. Pray this will help him get his foot back to normal.
Also, please pray for me, as I'd like to start exercising to try to lose some weight, but I am finding it hard to get started. I'd also like prayers for a couple of unspoken requests as well.
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