Rich Green
Rich Green
Dec 13, 2021
Guest Prayed for Anonymous' prayer request.
Rich Green
Oct 19, 2020

Everlasting Love

Son of man, write to the churches saying:

I have loved you with an everlasting love I have seen you in your distress. I have come to you like a thief in the night to redeem My beloved for truly My beloved is Mine. I have come to adorn you as a Bride to take you to the wedding of Heaven. You desire to wear filthy rags, torn rags but I have desired to give you something greater. A dazzling Robe that will conceal and hide any evidence of your filthiness, but why won’t you take it from Me? Why have you become miserable, poor, blind, naked and wretched in your ways? Oh, I wish that you would be either hot or cold so that I can either embrace you into my bosom or spit you out completely. How long will you toe the line living in the valley of decision?

How long will you live a life of luke warmness? Do you not see that this life is temporary? This life here in the flesh is temporary oh son of man, why are my churches asleep? Why do they slumber when I have called them to awaken? How much louder do the trumpets need to blast? How much more calamities must first come before I have your attention? Oh my beloved Bride I have loved you with an everlasting love, before you were even formed in your mother’s womb, I have thought of you and thoughts toward you – to prosper you, to give you good health, to give you hope and a good future; but the good future isn’t here on this sin forsaken Earth, for the Earth needs to be cleansed, it needs to be purged, it needs to be purified. The Shekinah glory needs to cover this Earth once again to every living creature, where the lion and the lamb can lay down in peace, where the trees can speak of the wisdom of God, where the animals can communicate with humankind, where we will once again speak with one tongue – the mother tongue of Heaven in Hebrew, Hallelujah!

Study the millennial reign, study how the books of life will be opened and we shall review the lives of My children. Don’t you know that I have prepared a seat for you so that I can share the Throne that My Father has given to Me? I give it to you. Don’t think of the Throne as a singular seat as we have here on Earth. Remember I was a Carpenter, I know all too well what chairs resemble on Earth. But the Throne in Heaven which I share with you, there is enough room for all of humanity, for you are My children, you are My beloved, you are My redeemed and I have purchased you with a price.

Come My Bride, come to the wedding with Me, let us go in together, let us sup with one another. Behold I saw the new Jerusalem coming down as a Bride adorned with diadems and beauty and gold and precious stones of which no man could purchase. But first, each heart shall be judged, wicked and righteous – they shall be judged by the same measure of the Law of God, the Law of Love. I desire to give you a new heart, to remove the heart of stone but why do you cling to it? I desire to give you a new robe but do you love your filthiness? Why do you love your unrighteousness? Is sin more great than the love of God? God forbid!

In My Father’s House are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you so. I have gone to prepare a place for you and I will come for you to take you back to Heaven in preparation of the New Jerusalem, hallelujah! Oh son of man, the time is coming where the Earth will be filled with the Glory of God but before that time, there will be a great falling away, a great shaking, a great sifting, right before the harvest. Many try to draw chronological lines but things are happening simultaneously all over the world, in different parts, in different regions within the lives of my children who are at different phases of their development. But behold I will bring all of these to fruition even in your eyes and you shall see it and witness it, all nations shall witness it, and they shall reject My Love, they will reject My Seal, they will reject My Covenant which I have made with Israel, which I have passed down to the Gentiles.

Nothing is new under the sun, as ancient Israel witnessed miracles and still rejected Me, so will many of My sheep reject My Law of Love. But you son of man, I have written this upon your heart, upon your frontlets, to remind you that you are not alone, to remind you that I AM with you, to remind you that I AM tailor fitting your garments to your soul perfectly. Trust Me, rest in the LORD, for the battle is the LORD’s; worship Me and praise the Name of God for the victory to come. No longer will you dwell in My presence dwelling and asking, in a repetitive nature, but you shall praise the LORD of HOSTS, well in advance, thanking Him for what He has done, for this is how you exercise your faith. This is how faith becomes practical, when you bless the Name of YAHWEH in advanced of seeing that which will come to fruition because it is through the praises that ascend to Heaven and penetrate the clouds of darkness that Light will come as fast as lightning. Be blessed My son, the LORD GOD, He is your right hand, He is your buckler, and your shield. Fear not the eyes of men, instead fear the Eyes which are as Flames of Fire; yea even fear the Seven Eyes of God which go too and fro’ upon the land which knows every thought, every action, every deed, in every heart.

I have loved you with an everlasting love and called you to be my Bride. Will you meet me at the aisle? Or will you be a runaway bride? Come now and let us reason, come now let us tabernacle together, let us finish this work as co-labourers on this Great Commission for the harvest is ripe and white and plentiful. May the LORD God Almighty -YAHWEH- The God of your ancestors bless you and increase you a thousand times over spiritually, mentally, physically, financially, over anything you could have imagined or fathomed. Be blessed my son, in the Name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Glory to God! Selah! Thank you Jesus.