Dear Heavenly Father,
I can't handle anymore anger at me. I just joked around with a friend when she asked me where I bought her gift from and it made her mad. My sense of humor gets me into trouble more times than not. I joke because I am hurting a lot of the time and just try to make myself laugh. People don't understand and take it to heart; They get angry at me and I don't mean anything by it. Father how do I handle my feelings of hurt and turn them into strength. I just want to sit and cry right now. I pray for the answer through my saviour Jesus Christ.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please watch over my family the way only you can. I feel like I want to be there for them which I can't and I know this is where you come in. Please watch over my Sons, Grandson's, Daughter, & Granddaughters I love them all but I know you only gave me so much power which I use but nobody can watch over my family like you can. Please protect them and I pray through Jesus Christ Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Here I am again asking for your help. As usual you are the most dependable being that I know. Thank you for that. This year before we came back to Florida from our New York home we found out our ceiling fell in our living room. We were blessed enough to have friends who cared about us to get the place back together again. The problem is it is putting a strain on our finances and I am worried about my husband's well being. Please watch over us as we face another challenge Father. I know you are watching over me because you were there when I needed you as always. Please I am asking for prayers for the money to be there for us when we need, so we can concentrate on your mission you put us here for. I pray through Jesus Christ Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Having read what I had wrote I see I am not feeling quite well yet. Just seeing my typo's I am trying to give myself a break. I spoke to my sister today and I was so sad. I am not sure if it was cause I don't feel good yet, just lost my niece to death, or just sad because my sister is lost to anger. If anything Father I will be patient until you show me what to do. I want to be close to you and teach others to be the same. I will try not to be moved from what others do or say. I know what is important and I will follow any message you send through Jesus Christ I pray.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I am praying for both my sister and I. I want to have the close relationship we almost achieved. We were not able to have one because of all her vanity and we almost achieved this but that evil is popping through again. Now that she is getting married I lost the weight I was trying through Spinal Meningitis and looked good in everything I tried on. She had gained weight going out eating all the time and she feels the need to lash out on every little thing I do. I pray for her love back and if I don't get it I will realize it is all part of your plan for us. I will do what I have to Father to achieve your goal no matter how much it hurts to get your message across. I realize it is not about us but part of a much bigger plan for us. I know this is not easy I am asking you to helpp me make the right decisions.
Through Jesus Christ I pray.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I am having a terrible time with my sister. I had went kayaking with my niece and we had a wonderful time. I was getting to know and love my niece and all was going well between us. I didn't think telling my sister about spending time with my niece would set my sister off. I was taken by surprised. Saddened and panicked I just sat there on the phone well my sister said all hurtful things to me. She called back the next day to apologize to me and told me I didn't deserve that treatment. I was trying not to be hurt but in her fit she told me my niece said she never really liked me anyway. I was crushed. I accepted her apology but it still stayed in the back of my mind. I spent time with the same niece and another niece at a wake. We were all sad and pulled together. When my sister saw the pictures on facebook she was quick to call to ask me how the niece that passed away died. Just to start more drama because her daughter and her were at it again. God I am asking if I should avoid her at all cost because she is hurtful. I can't have this kind of drama I am getting over spinal meningitis and the headaches come back with stress. Father how should I handle this? I ask this question through Christ Jesus.
Amen :(
Dear Father in Heaven,
I have been trying to deal with a situation between my sister and I. She lies to my face on things in the family I know that are not true. She gets jealous of her daughter for going kayaking with me and she won't talk to her mom because she competes with both my niece and I. I grew up with her jealousies she has always been queen of the house when we were growing up because she was beautiful and spoiled. My sister the other day had a tantrum over the phone while I was sick with spinal meningitis and told me off because her daughter and I hung around together. She told us we can have each other that she didn't want anything to do with either one of us. Screaming went on for an hour and I tried the whole time to talk softly to her. She said one last thing to me as she hung up the phone saying my niece said she never even liked me anyways.
The next day my sister called me back and apologized when I asked her about it she spoiled the whole apology by saying, "Oh I meant she never liked our whole side of the family. It was too late, I felt so hurt. I am so tired of being stomped on by members in my family I see what the devil is doing! A divide and conquer is not going to take place but I just can't face her being sick at the moment. Father tell me how to handle this because I am still hurting and it is not helping me get well.
Father I pray I not only get better but I need piece between family members as well. I know this world is fallen, please tell me how to handle this, though Jesus Christ I pray. It seems your the only one who loves me I wish I could hear your advice.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I am praying on a situation between my Cousins and I. Right now I feel ganged up on because my Cousin L decided to get mad at me and use my wedding as an excuse to get even by saying I didn't give her a paper invitation to my wedding but instead invited her electronically to the wedding. Father I really wanted all my cousins there and I wouldn't have invited her at all if I didn't. Now my other Cousin Sue and I got together after the wedding 3 years later and Father I just wanted to see her because I love and care for her and all I got was her situation in our conversation how she had played the care taker for her sister suffering from alzheimer's disease and I better sell my tesla car and both houses and buy some long term insurance. Father I am lost and confused I always thought family was suppose to love and care for each other. I see it in other people but never comes my way. My Cousin Sue who relied a message to my Cousin Lauraine who wasn't talking to me that my son was seriously ill. I thought my Cousin's would want to know incase you called my son home they would want to say their goodbyes. My Cousin Lauraine told my cousin Sue that she wanted to see my son in the hospital who by this time got was released and as sick as he still was went back to work because he was worried about his business. And Cousin Lauraine also told my Cousin Sue that if I apologized that she would accept me back. My question to you God if I apologize would it do me any good. Things would not be fixed between us I already accept her for the way she is and hold no grudge. Should I give her an apology? I realize the apology is suppose to be good for my soul and I still love them both but their jealousy is very evil and harmful. I remember reading about this in the bible.
James 3:14-16 ESV
14. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. 15.This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.
I hand this situation over to you Father. I have faith that you will let me know if I should apologize or not. I pray through Christ Jesus.
Dear Father,
My husband showed the business that his brother and him own. Please let someone buy this business and take it off my husbands hands so I can spend more time with my Brother Rich and his wife before this life comes to a finish. I pray through Jesus Christ.
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