I need prayer from all you mighty prayer warriors, brother's and sister's in Christ. Our most powerful tool given to us is prayer. So please pray for me and my family and our current needs and situations as I pray for you and yours, our churches, pastors. Please pray for our community, all those out of work and in need of housing and food, our civil servants, our country and our leaders. Pray for those with illnesses and diseases and the corona, drug addiction, alcoholism, homelessness, couples with marital problems, parents having problems with there kids, and pray for our kids. I pray for all those who have lost loved ones, I pray for salvation, grace, protection, healings, miracles, more hope and more faith in you Jesus. Thank you Jesus for saving me and us, and being with me and us always. Thank you for never abandoning me or us. My hope and faith, our hope and faith are in you. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray! Amen
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