Thank you this morning for this. I was in such turmoil in my marriage and home three days ago, and I posted it on here as I cried my heart out. But I kept my eye's above the problems in my life, and on the Lord. I had faith and believed in Him that He would bless my marriage, home, and family. And He has and is! Thank you Jesus! This morning me and my wife are reading this and praying together! 3 days ago there was so much discord between us. We needed to hear and read God's word, I thank God for His Word, Love, Grace, Mercy, and Guidance!
Thank you Lord for my wife because she is my special gift, my kids, and family and friends. I'm so thankful for your subject to husbands this morning. Thank you Lord for Rev John, and thank you for this positive divine declaration.
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Thank you Jesus and thank you Rev. John. Today has been such a peaceful day for me and my wife, and family. We went for a ride with our dog and 4 puppies that are 7 weeks old. It was a beautiful ride. At home today we've been resting and it feels so good to feel this good. The burden's of life and all the stress from the last three months has been lifted. After running a marathon a runner is exhausted, that's how I feel today, exhausted. We got to rest which we never get to do, so it is an amazing feeling to be part of such a loving, peaceful, restful, and restoring day.
Tomorrow I goto bible study before church, and my wife starts a new job she was blessed with yesterday. She wasn't looking for a job? We were buying her dad his christmas present at a furniture store and not to long after we were there the manager offered her a job. We talked and prayed about it and she starts tomorrow. I pray a blessing will occur with her and her new job, and our financial situation. She was involved in a car accident the day before Thanksgiving, and has had nothing but problems and pain since. Her current job is physical and to demanding for her. So the morning I cried and read your post a miracle happened that day with her being blessed with this new job where she will not do any physical work, a blessing from the Lord. Thank you.
I was incarcerated three months ago on Federal charges for something i didn't do. No bond was available for the charges in my case. I was in jail, went to church, made the altar call, and redidicated my life to the Lord that first night in jail. I was angry at the Lord and walked away from Him a few years ago. And I was stuck out here in my life, my mind, and in my heart, I was miserable and in so much pain, torment, and agony. The storms of life have come at me and my family hard these last three months, and last 15 years. I went to court for my detention hearing, the judge gave me a bond, and my entire family was there to support me. 10 years ago when i was in court i only had my wife, and pastor there in court supporting me. The day before thanksgiving my 5 children, their wives, boyfriends, my father, father in law, my wife, and pastor was there in court for me. 10 years ago I prayed for my family to come back to me and my prayers were answered that day in court, because that was the first time in 15 years all my kids have been with me in one room together on good terms, they were fighting for me because they know there dad has been changed in the last 10 years because of Jesus, they know I am not guilty of the crimes i've been charged with. So that was a blessing and so awesome to experience even though the situation is very serious.
I was granted a bond that day, another miracle thanks to the Lord. That morning my wife was hit by a truck that ran a red light as she was on her way to pick me up from the jail. And she is going to be ok, another miracle. My life and family has been under attack for so long, but the Lord has done nothing but bless us and protect us all this time. And to have my family next to me feels great, a miracle. There is alot of mis communication and old hurt feelings coming out since thanksgiving with me and my wife and kids, but things are getting better.
I was told by my judge that I am looking at ten years to life in prison if convicted. I was not eligible for a bond, but the Lord moved the judge to give me one. The Lord blessed me with my family coming together to fight with me and support me. He is blessing my marriage, family, health, and finances. And I know He will bless me with my case being dismissed or me not getting 10 years to life. So thank you for your prayers Rev John, they are much appreciated and needed. Thank you Jesus for my wife, family, blessings, and Rev. John! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Amen!