Praise and glory to you God. Thank you for loving me and always being with me. I love you and honor you. I trust you will keep my family safe in TN. Amen
God Almight I worship you and give you thanks always. Please we pray to continue keeping Aurora and her mother safe here in their TN home together. Please God open the minds and hearts to truth of Judges and all involved to respect the best interests of Aurora and continue to keep her safe in TN with her mother and require TN Jurisdiction. Thank you God our father. Amen.
I praise and honor you God as my only God. Thank you for keeping and vontinuing to keep safe Aurira and Kristen in TN. Please God make truth known to judge that TN Jurisdiction is in the childs best interest and grant this today- TN Jurisdiction to keep Aurora and Kristen in TN safe from abuser. Thank you Hod. Amen
Thank you God for all of you. Thank you all for your constant prayers for the safety of Aurora here in TN with her mother. Please continue to join in prayer thanking God for carrying Aurora here to safety in TN with her mother and pray that God continues to keep Aurora here in TN safe with her mother Lord. Please pray with me for the judges and lawyers to hear our truth and decide that the legal jurisdiction is here in TN to continue keeping Aurora safe in her TN home with her mother and to completely open their minds and hearts to hear and respect that Aurora's best interests are only here in TN. Thank you God. Thank you God for all. Thank you God we trust in you to keep your innocent pure child Aurora safe with her mother here in her forever home TN respecting her best interests for her safety and well being now and for her future.
All my love to each and every one of you.
Thank you profusely.
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