All too often you speak simply to fill the space with sound because you feel too uncomfortable with the silence. But this silence is golden. Only in silence, you can hear God speak to you. Only in silence can a real prayer, a heart prayer be born. Next time you start chattering, stop and feel into the silence, feel its shape, its texture, and then slowly and silently say only what really has to be said.
You weren't made to simply survive until you die. Live it up, embrace life. This entire planet exists for all God's creatures, - and that includes you. Don't wait to start living, begin right now, with your very next breath. There are many wonderful experiences waiting for you, so get going.
All too often you speak simply to fill the space with sound because you feel too uncomfortable with the silence. But this silence is golden. Only in silence, you can hear God speak to you. Only in silence can a real prayer, a heart prayer be born. Next time you start chattering, stop and feel into the silence, feel its shape, its texture, and then slowly and silently say only what really has to be said.
You can mouth the words of a prayer all day long and just waste your time unless you also speak with your heart. And to speak with your heart means to embody first. If you pray for love, be loving. If you pray for wealth, be generous. If you pray for health, practice health yourself. What is your favorite prayer? How can you begin to embody it?
Submit your prayer request. Thousands of caring people will see it and pray for you.