All too often loud events and daily busyness cloud your vision of God. Take some time to slow down; let there be silence and peace. Calm your mind and let your inner voice re-emerge from the silence. Allow yourself to see visions, allow yourself to dream dreams; and you may hear the voice of God reaching out to you.
A flower starts deep under the dirt and has to fight against gravity in the darkness before finally breaking free and opening its bloom to the sun. You may feel like you're in darkness and everything around you is muddy, but keep pushing toward the Light and when the time is right, you will burst into blossom.
They come through dreams, through snatches of songs, through things that you read which resonate with you, through synchronistic conversations, and most of all, in the quiet recesses of your heart. You may not have encounters with burning bushes, but that doesn’t mean God isn’t talking to you!
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