Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you for the blessings I received in my life. I am sure I take most for granted and I apologize for that. Lately I’ve been shown the light in everything I am grateful for. Losing my job that I loved and really seeing certain family members for who they are has really taught me I am happy for my little family. I feel like even though I grew up the way I did I am the one who ultimately won. I got away from the abuse. And I could’ve been a bad person or chose to be the way they are and I didn’t. I’ll never understand it but I am glad that I chose the life i have now. With that being said please guide me as I continue the search for new employment and just being a better person, mother, and spouse. Give my daughter guidance as she starts school soon and my partner a hopeful chance at new employment. Let us find our way safely. Give us financial safety in order to follow our dreams of moving out of state.
With love and light
Amen ✨
Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you for all the blessings you have given me in life. I am a blessed individual. Please give me the strength and patience to get through this trip. I am struggling internally more than i ever have. Are my feelings invalid?Am I wrong for the thoughts I have been having?
Once I am back home let me find another job suitable for my lifestyle as I am really starting worry about current situation after being laid off. I am trying to stay positive but I won’t lie it is very difficult at this time. Give love and abundance to my grandparents, my daughter, and my amazing boyfriend who has been helping me through everything.
In Jesus name
Amen. ❤️
Thank you for all my blessings and forgive me for all my sins. I’m still feeling lost and confused about what’s to come. Am i taking the right steps? What is next for me? Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing? Please send me a sign.
Be there for my sister who has struggled internally but still remains strong.
Continue to give strength and love to my baby girl. Let her know she’s always loved.
Let my grandparents still be with us years to come and continue to give them strength and love also.
I am not sure what’s next for me but I will continue to try to be the best person I can be and do good things. I will work hard.
Thank you lord for always showing me the way even when I felt like I didn’t deserve it. I trust in you and love you very much. ❤️
Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you for everything. I am blessed in so many ways. I am struggling right now mentally and physically. I’m lost and confused of my next move. Continue to guide me as I trust you know the way. Continue to give me the strength, courage, and love to keep pushing through this rough patch.
Surround my family with your light and love
Forgive us for all our sins.
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