Dear Lord,
Please cure me of my debilitating depression and anxiety and stop me from sleeping so much just to avoid overthinking and the feeling of overwhelmedness.
Please make Viswanath agree to do the 6 series documents and make Raghu and Aravinda do the 6 series documents as well.
Help us to finish the 4 banks work on 7th itself.
Remind me to send all the forms to the concerned banks.
Help me to start doing the bank documents without making any mistakes 🙏🏻.
Please look after Mary’s health and cure her of her cough and fever before she comes back.
Lord please cure me of this constant anxiety.
Dear lord,
Please help me to sleep properly through the night and cure my sleep apnea. Help me not to spend the entire morning and afternoon sleeping to avoid thinking.
Please cure me of my debilitating depression and anxiety.
Please change Viswanath’s mind about preparing 6 series documents. Help him not to refuse to do them. Hope Aravinda and Raghu will also help me.
Please help me not to get tummy upset due to the anxiety and stress.
Please help my son to get a permanent job in the finance field 🙏🏻. Look after my husband and mother always.
We ask this in your precious name
Dear Lord,
Please cure me of my debilitating depression and anxiety and help me cope with life. Right now I am so stressed that I have stomach cramps and tummy issues.
Please please please change Viswanath’s mind and help me to explain the 6 series editing process to him.
Help us to finish all 4 bank work on the 7th.
Please help me to sleep on time and not sleep all morning to avoid overthinking.
Help me to start the work for the bank documents please. Help me to understand what I am doing and not make any mistakes.
We ask this in your precious name.
Dear Lord,
Please cure me of my debilitating depression and anxiety. Anxiety now is at uncontrollable levels. I am getting stomach cramps and tummy issues due to the anxiety and stress.
Please please please please make Viswanath agree to do the 6 series documents and change his mind 🙏🏻.
Help us to finish all the bank work on 7th itself . Help us to enjoy the baptism and family get together.
Please I beg of you help me at this time. Help me to start doing the bank documents and not make any mistakes 🙏🏻
Dear lord,
Why is just this site that one can write prayers in? Sometimes it is so lonely to just ruminate about things and not have any solution.
Lord you know my anxiety issues and you also know that I am not able to cope.
I am making mistakes at work repeatedly.
Viswanath is refusing to make the 6 series documents and. Please change his mind.
I can’t cope lord. Please help me 🙏🏻. Please cure me of my debilitating depression and anxiety and stress!
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