We are in a desperate financial struggle. We need God's guidance to give us a way to pay back or forgive our daughters extremely large student loan. We have no means to pay it back at this time. We also need to find a way to paint our house before the HOA fines start. God is great, but we are so scared. It feels like the walls are crumbling all around us. Please help us God!!!
I have been getting a lot of subtle hints from God lately. I have had accidents that have left me scared. Each time I have had no injury but a car going off an embankment, home electrical fire and other small things have left me wondering why. What is the message. Our home is becoming a money pit and we are completely underwater in it. We don't have the money to fix these things and our mortgage payment is going up another $200.00 per month. God is the reason we have our home! Where he guides he provides...just feeling hopeless. Praying for insight and courage to get through these times.
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