Please pray for my dad who suffered a mild stroke while battling Covid. We love him very much and need his continued presence in our family. Please heal his body with your divine light. Bring him comfort and peace. Let him know he is truly loved and we want him home, whole, and on the road to recovery. We love you daddy. I ask this in Jesus name 🙏🏽Amen.
Please protect and bring peace to my baby girl locked away. She made mistakes and has repented and forgiven herself for them. PLEASE RELEASE her back to me. I need her in my world. I miss her dearly. My little breathless. My little twin soul. How much longer must she endure and be punished. We need her in our lives. Guide her home to me. Open the doors and windows and show her the way. Grant her your grace... Amen.
Dear Lord hear my prayers, In these trying times, please help to keep my FAITH strong. I need you to show me how to be a better soldier for you. How to be more patient and understanding. My troubled heart needs healing and peace. Bless those who are worried and weary of the makings of this world. Heal Uzeria, Tony, Tee Grahm, Papa, Sally, Fred, Ricka, Guelly,. Let them begin to feel your healing powers and light. Let them know your blanket of love. Let them fulfill their every work of FAITH. Let them trust in you and know that you are in full control and you have the power to heal and bring light and love to their sufferings and pain. I ask this in JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Amen.
Dear Lord, please watch over my brother. Let him find comfort and peace. Please help to heal him. Please Lord. Help him find rest in your arms. Help him to find comfort. Please help take the pain away Lord. let the healing begin. I love my big brother. Please let him know that we love him, that you love him, that he is not alone. I know he is afraid. I know he is hurting. Please Lord heal his bones, take away that cancer. Let him feel your healing powers and feel your love. I ask you this in Jesus name amen.
Pray for my children. Keep them surrounded by your light and Love. Keep their FAITH forever strong. We are your warriors. Let them continue to wear your armor in this fight we call LIFE. Bless my mom and dad. Keep them safe and comforted. Bless my Tee. Keep her healthy and strong. Bless my extended family and friends. We all know you LORD. We know your light and love. In these trying times, we tend to get lost on our journeys. Keep me/us focused on the purpose for our BEING. I ask that you touch and heal my ex with your healing powers. He is a good soul and needs and deserves your love. Let him continue to know you, feel you, and seek you. I thank you for all you have given me. I thank you for all you have done, and are doing for me. I am truly Blessed to know you and have a personal relationship with you my LORD. You know what burden troubles my heart, please heal each and every soul involved. Let them be wise with their decisions, slow to anger, and see the TRUTH with the light of your love. These are trying times ahead, keep our FAITH strong. I ask you to Bless and care for those who don't know you. Let me understand my calling and become a patriot to serve and honor you. Thank you for all you do, will do, and have done. I thank you LORD. I thank you LORD. Receive my prayers in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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Thank you for your prayers. I love you all. My brother transitioned home 2015. I guess he was needed more in heaven.