Dear Lord, I want to thank you for loving me so much that you sent your son to die on the cross to pay for my sins, in spite of myself. This prayer is for all the people that have lost love ones this past week in three mass shootings. I ask the you hold all the families and friends close to you and comfort their pain. I ask nothing for me because have blessed me many times over, I ask for them bless them and let them know there many that feel their loss, and they are in our prayers.
A young lady I know at work was thrilled when she found out she was pregnant. We all went through her pregnancy, the highs and the lows. Finely the baby was born, a little girl. She was born with some difficulty and had to spend two weeks in an incubator, it seems that she had some fluid in one of her lungs and her heart was not sending enough oxygen through her lungs. Seven weeks later the baby was given a clean bill of health. On the young ladies first day back at work her beautiful baby passed away. We were all devastated, it was like the baby was taken from all of us. I felt as though I had been punched in the gut. I do not know why the beautiful baby was taken away, but I must believe that God needed her back. This tiny little girl in her brief life touched so many people, and renewed faith in many. I don’t if anyone can find inspiration in this story, but I have faith that it will touch many. May God bless you all and keep your families safe.
My little dog in in the final stages of kidney failure. I pray that God will give me courage to make the decision to end her suffering. I love this little girl with all my heart, she has been my best friend and companion for eight years. God gave the the most precious gift when he put her in my life and there have not been any regrets even with her being so sick. I know she will be safe and whole in God's hands and once again be able to run and play. Right now my heart is breaking.
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Once you truly turn your troubles over to God it is done. Remember we are his children and he loves in spite of ourselves, so, if God can can forgive for the wrong we have done, we can forgive ourselves.