Trying times at a job, I've been at 7 years. Loosing my benefits because they still have me as temporary. I've become so frustrated daily, but have been getting messages advising me that DELIVERANCE COMING SOON! Please pray for me to hold FAITH & TRUST my God. Thanks much
I suffer from terrible back pains which cause muscle spasms between my hips and ankle almost every day. I cannot sit or stand for too long, so I have to be moving about even with the pains. My blood pressure fluctuates from time to time because of this. Please for for me that the Divine Healer will stretch down His 'Nailed-scarred' hands and heal me. I do believe in the power of Intercessory prayers.
Thanks in advance.
(Arlene Williams, Jamaica)
I am so stressed, tired, lonely! My brother was murdered on October 31, 2014! I thought that I dealt well with the death and preparation uo to the burial, but just feeling the strain of it all! Whilst I tried to be strong and comforted my children and other family members, I still feel so over-whelmed. tired, stressed!
I trust God, but my faith is so weak (like the fisher-men before they cast their nets). Now the devil using the children's behaviour to hurt me --- they have become so ungrateful and disrespectful ---- it has become a nightmare living in the same house with them! I am tired of crying because of them! I am tired of eating once per day when they would sit in the very same house and eat in my presence! I have been sick and they have never been sympathetic to my needs, groanings or pains! I want to leave that house but cannot afford to right now! I need your spiritual help and guidance! I need your prayers! Thanks!
I am suffering from the effects of PSORIASIS! The doctors claim there is no cure only treatment, but I want to be cured by the MIGHTY HEALER JESUS CHRIST! Please pray with me for my HEALING as it has now taken over my feet with cracks, cuts and bruise-like appearance and it is so difficult to walk! I can now imagine walking on HOT COALS, my foot-bottom so tender that I MOAN & GROAN all the time! Thanks in advance for your prayers!
I NEED to surrender to the WILL of GOD! I can feel His pulling, dont know why I am resisting! Pray that I will allow God to do HIS WORK and WILL in my life! I need to start trusting him more now than ever. I need to change my lifestyle so that my children will gladly follow (not my foot-steps) but that of CHRIST
Submit your prayer request. Thousands of caring people will see it and pray for you.
Thanks for your prayers. The symptoms of Psoriasis has disappeared and have not returned. I got baptised in 2013 and before i was submerged into the water, I asked God to use that same water to heal me. I must give as my testimony that the symptoms have not returned. Thanks be to Jesus for His Cleansing Blood.