Prayer for my husband. He is not appreciated for the work he has and will keep doing. Others are making 2 1/2 x and they know less. We pray for our needs to be God's will with grace and his mercy. In Jesus name Amen
How do you breathe when the one who kept you going, goes to heaven?
I want to thank you Lord for all my prayer partners, two or more is as the church. I have a friend who is troubled with alcohol addiction and need lots of prayer. His family doesn't care for him in the way our families should love us. There is a spirit of greed over money, and soon as he is out of the way then they will be happy. It is so sad and hurtful to him. All he wants is love. In Jesus name Amen
My youngest daughter is being tested for bone cancer. My oldest daughter is being tested for leukemia. I miss my son and he is never going to return to California who has fibromyalgia, who also has two of my grandbabies I have not seen in two years. I have had MS for 3 years. My mom passed away in August 2012. My aunt has stage 5 breast cancer. I have faith and I believe that God has a plan, everything happens for a reason. We could never pray to much. Please pray for my family. Together we stand, divided we fall. In Jesus name Amen. Thank you all and may God bless you ten fold. Julie
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