Please God bless my eldest son with a good job so that he can get his life in order
He is a good soul n always wants to help everyone. So please help him get a job so he can get a place for himself n his young lady n her daughter
I shall be forever thankful
Dear God, please help my eldest son to get a good paying job so that he can go back to feeling good about himself n help his girlfriend n her daughter so that they can live as a family n bee happy. He is trying but he needs your help now. I shall always be grateful for your intersection. Thank you for I r all my blessings
Please pray for my son that he finds a job so he can stop sleeping under the freeway and get his life together. He has a giving heart and always wants to help those who need help. I pray that with your prayers he can get a job and get off the streets. Thank you very much, a mother with a broken heart.
Please pray for my grandson who had an very serious accident to his leg, and for my sister's mother-n-law who is not doing good and is bed ridden due to various health issues, and for my daughter who had some bleeders removed from her head and suffers from horrible headaches. Thank you all for praying for my family and friends.
Please pray for Derick Rye, a young man who is going through a lot right now. He is almost homeless and is out of work. He really could use some prayers so that things get better for him, his wife, and 2 sons. I would really appreciate it very much. God Bless all of you.
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