ChristiAna Crabill

Prayer Request

For God to answer my prayers of provision, strength to overcome my physical and emotional and mental illnesses, to find a job that I can do and feel fulfilled by, to have peace of mind and heart, to heal my life from the pain others have caused me in the past, to be able to afford my rent and not be threatened with eviction again, to find help in affording the dental work I need on my broken and infected tooth that has been causing me severe pain and making it difficult to eat but will cost $500 that I just don't have the money to fix, for providing food for my disabled mother and I who have been living on food stamps that were suddenly cut off. I have been ill recently and just got out of the hospital last Saturday after my stomach was hurting and I had lost over 11 pounds in 10 days and not eating, feeling weak and sick and stressed. Please Lord help provide us with the rent that is due on the 1st of September so we don't get another eviction notice. Lord my 35th birthday is on September 17th and I am so depressed and feeling like I'm a mistake and I am not worth celebrating. My life has been one pain and disappointment after another. I feel so lost and forsaken. Please Lord, I know others have it much worse than I do, but I'm suffering and I've been struggling for such a long time. I know that you're not a vending machine but if there's anything you can do to help me and let your presence be known so that I don't feel like I'm alone, please help me see you more clearly Lord. Amen.