Wendy Opperman-Shipman

Prayer Request

Please pray for me and my entire family. Our entire world has been entirely turned upside down and we are struggling worse than I could have ever imagined in my life. We lost our entire financial security and income and soon after that, we unexpectedly lost one of our most cherished and irreplaceable gifts from God. My oldest son Matthew, just 2 months before his 30th birthday, was working out of town in NC when we received a phone call on December 15, 2018, at approximately 8:00 pm.
informing us that our worst ever fear in life, as parents and a family had now become a living and very real nightmare. My husband received this call and was informed that our 1st born child was gone. That we had lost him and would not be coming home for Christmas, or ever again. Matthew has two brothers a sister, a large and very close family with many cousins, aunts, uncles, and friends, along with a beautiful fiancΓ© and the most precious daughter that we just 3 weeks prior, had celebrated her 4th birthday with Him. My first of 4 beautiful and very loved children. Just 5 days from today will be 8 months without him and we are still in shock and are so devastated and heart broken from the sudden loss of our Matthew. We are all struggling everyday in brokenness to keep going and to heal and learn to live this life without him.
On top of that we are so financially crippled, to the point of not being able to pay rent and bills let alone being able to afford sufficient groceries.

I know God is carrying me/us and without my/our faith and love for Him, we wouldn’t make it.
I also believe in the power of prayer and when many are praying for the same thing, it’s like lighting up heaven with fireworks. We really could use the most vibrantly amazing fireworks show in Heaven right now.

Thank You to all that pray for us and light up Heaven for God with many prayers for our entire family. May God Bless you all. πŸ™πŸ»πŸŽ‡πŸ™πŸ»πŸŽ‡πŸ™πŸ»πŸŽ‡