Lea, hearing God is much simpler than we think. We`ve been given a type of sink drain screen like the one in the sink that lets water flow through but holds onto bits and pieces of debris, that we empty into the garbage. I`ve learned that IF we feel CONFUSED or NOT QUITE SURE of, or are HESITANT about, especially in BIG decisions having to do with relationships, or moving, or a job change that it is better to wait. With God there are no mistakes. He will bring situations back around to us. If we `feel`good about going ahead, without hesitation, it comes as a relief. We don`t have to be afraid of making a `wrong`decision. God will bring back whatever it is that we needed from that situation. Trust the Holy Spirit in you. ``Lean not on your own understanding, but in all of your ways acknowledge him and He will direct your path.``
There are no words to describe the depth of pain with grief . It can leave us paralyzed. Be gentle with yourself. You don't need self incrimination. You're doing the best you can. Stay away from people who offer a quick fix. They are empty words. I pray for an extra measure of faith to fight off depression or hopelessness. Lord please open doors that bring empathetic people and distractions. Please send ministering angels and the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Hang on. The good shepherd will find you.
2 close friends have been hit by joint pain. Usually it would take a very long time to get inflammation under control. I believe in miracles. Please pray that the right doctors, specialists and products will come through like meteors. If we look up and patiently watch, we can see falling stars.
Dear one. I am a senor. Have had many jobs. The enemy interferes but he cannot stop God. He was an angel when God kicked him out with his dark followers. He is not a being equal to God. He is the "Father of lies". He lies to us to try to make us doubt God's character and love. That's his INTENT. The. Bible says we can trample on "serpents, scorpions and over all the power of the enemy." Sometimes we question God's INTENT. because we can't see the future. He has a plan for u "for good & not for evil" Praying for more faith 4 u.
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Diana...many of us who struggle with mental health issues don't have family to rely on to help. Sometimes they don't want to talk about it is because they don't understand, or don't know what to do, or are uncomfortable or think we're just wanting attention or are afraid that there will be blame passed onto them. There are so many stigmas about mental health. Society often believes that those that struggle are automatically substance abusers. The Lord is in the healing business but sometimes it takes time. He assures us he is with us. He felt every emotion we have. Remember when he was praying on the night of his death he felt abandoned by his best friends, 3 of the apostles. He was also so afraid that there was blood mixed with his sweat. He was misunderstood and mistreated by religious leaders. U can read about this in the last few chapters of Matthew. Absorbing God's word in itself can bring healing. God bless you dear sister.I hope this helps.