We love you Lord God and we believe in your miracles always. Please take care of my family in your kingdom now, may they be happy always. May i request for a successful operation of my niece today. Give her overflowing courage and strength so her operation is easy and the procedure smooth. may she heal and fully recover as soon as she regains her strenth. Teach her to willingly serve you without doubts. Please protect her and teach her to be calm and strong so that she will have a renewed faith for your goodness. Thanking you Lord always for our life;s blessings and never ending protection.
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Don't imprison yourself in your own thoughts, God will enlighten you if your will acknowledge him. Stop thinking of the problem you have now, go out and use your talent. Grab your laptop, search for online jobs, there are a lot you can choose from different sites. Forget that sabbatical thing, be your own boss, and be happy, hopeful and inspired starting now. God is just beside you to guide you