Turtle Francis
Turtle Francis
Aug 31, 2022
Guest Prayed for Anonymous' prayer request.
Turtle Francis
Aug 31, 2022
Guest Prayed for Anonymous' prayer request.
Turtle Francis
Aug 31, 2022
Guest Prayed for Anonymous' prayer request.
Turtle Francis
Aug 29, 2022

Prayer Request

Please pray for us and our finances please! We are 2 months behind on mortgage our car note our lights! Sitting on equity in our home that we can’t access due to our credit. We tried every loan company we have have tried credit repair companies just credit got worst and lost money. Please pray my husband will grow up! be a man!a mature godly man! Be a supportive man and husband for me. Show our 3 girls what a godly man looks like how a godly man will show up for his family. Help me Lord to stop being a shut in and so mentally not here in this world of mind I have destroyed! I haven’t even went to seen or drop off my middle child into her dorm room in college. I need a miracle in Gods mighty name we need help dear Lord. I been praying I have been trying to stay positive and speak encouraging words to myself asking begging God to step in our finance step into my oldest girl mind and heart. Step into our marriage! I have ask everyone and everybody to touch and agree on our life our marriage our finances my girls life me living life for once in these last 25 years worry free . I am so tired of going through it’s been 25 years. I want to pray for others I want to help others! I don’t want to keep asking for help or ask for anymore prayers about me going through! I want to pray and help others! U want to be a blessing to people not a burden! I want God to turn my husband around so he can best husband a better father a father to our girls even though they are 17’18 and 19 they are making bad choices from seeing their dads actions towards me. My youngest is 17 and still wetting the bed my fault I have so worried about them growing up and them not missing out on anything like toys out to eat games gaming systems that I forgot to discipline when they did do something wrong now they run me. Than you Amen 🙏🏽