Please pray God would show me His love for me and my worth to Him. Please pray God would show other people my worth and God would rescue me and deliver me from the situation that I am in. My life depends on Him defending me. I can't do this alone. I don't feel worthy enough to reach out and be helped because I was made to feel worthless growing up. I am just trying to appear normal and that alone is exhausting. Please pray God intervenes in my life and lets me know just how much He loves me because I've stopped fighting for me. If He doesn't intervene, I will die before my time. Sooner or later. I hope I did enough good while I was here. I did my best. I didn't want to bother anyone with my stupid inadequacy and childish problems. I am staying quiet to my death. I won't fight for me.
Please pray to God that my anxiety goes away. I always feel like something bad is going to happen or I did something wrong even though I haven't. Besides my addiction. I always feel guilty and ashamed about that. I wasn't allowed to express my tears growing up because my parents would get angry or annoyed and I would have to go away by myself and cry or be upset. I have been suppressing my emotions my whole life (the "bad" ones), and I believe that that is part of the reason I have the addiction I do. My mother is suspecting me of using and it makes me feel bad but what was I supposed to to with this anger and sadness if I wasn't allowed to express it? I could not make it magically disappear. I don't know why I was put into that family. No one is sensitive like me. Why would God put me into a family that doesn't care about each other? Why would God put me in a family that isn't sensitive? I really feel like I was put into the wrong family.
Please pray for me, that I will be able to hold on to hope that better days are ahead, that my life will start to make sense, that this burden of depression and unworthiness will be lifted, and that God reveals His love for me in such a way that I never doubt it ever again. Please pray God gives me a new perspective about what I'm going through and helps me walk by faith and not panic at the apparent hopelessness this situation seems in the natural. Please pray God would help me understand and know that He is for me and that He will fight for me despite all these voices in my head telling me that it doesn't apply to me. Please pray I stop doubting God's willingness to help me. I know He can do all things but for some reason, I struggle with the thought that He would bother to help me.
Please pray God helps me recieve His unconditional love for me. I was raised on conditional love so I feel shame for existing and that blocks me from feeling and receiving unconditional love. Please pray God would help me see myself the way He sees me so I can take better care of myself and have more love to give others. Please pray God would help me with all the unforgiveness I have toward anyone who has hurt me in the past (my parents, my brother, everyone who has manipulated and used me). Please pray God would take away all the envy and bitterness in my heart or need for revenge I still have for anyone. Please pray God would help me let the past go and all the pain and resentment with it. I want to be able to forgive and let go. Also, please pray God would help me overcome my addiction and not be afraid to gain weight. I'm really sensitive about that and it's been the biggest barrier for me to get sober. I have preexisting depression and getting sober, the side effect of coming off the drug I use would be depression (on top of my chronic 20 years and counting preexisting depression). To come clean would mean facing all my worst fears. I don't want to get fat, have a psychotic break, be cripplingly shy and depressed, and have everyone abandon me. I started using because my family didn't accept me and my moods as I was and blamed me for it. I couldn't hide it good enough. I think my mom suspects I am using and she's trying to make me feel bad about it. Please pray God would help me detach completely from these people who never loved me and never even cared to know me.
Please pray God would take away my bronchitis and cold. I've had it for weeks now and on top of depression and addiction and being yelled at for coughing too much at night, please. It's just too much. Just 1 time. 1 time in my entire life, it would be cool if He actually acted like He cared. I mean, obviously He doesn't and always is making me deal with everything on my own when I have nothing left.
Please pray God gives me His peace about my situation. I have chronic depression for 20 years, an addiction for the past 3 and am dealing with bronchitis. I never had an issue with breathing before so it makes me anxious. Please pray God would heal me or at least have me be at peace with my situation.
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