Dear God, I have so many wonderful things to be thankful for and, I thank you Jesus for all of them my family, life, my husband, all the opportunities all the beauty around me even the one I was to blind to see. Jesus I pray for you and our world that seems to be fall apart. Jesus, we need you here. Jesus I believe in you and I ask for your help with my mother she seems to be getting more forgetful and having trouble with her bills and banking, I try to help her but she get very angry and says I make her feel like she has mental problems. God she is 87 and I see the change in her I'm her only child, and I get scared for her and don't know how to help her and this is also affecting my health and my marriage. God, Please help me do right by my mother and show my the way to help my husband and I want to move on and find a home but I feel I can't leave my mother here alone with no family around. God, please I put all my trust and faith in you to help me and guided me. I need you! In Jesus name amen.
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