Dearest Lord,
Someone whom I really cherish will be leaving tomorrow for discernment. As much as I really like him, and perhaps he feels the same way as I do, I know choosing you first will always be the best choice. Yet, despite my surrender it's still a struggle. I pray that you will guide and bless him along every part of the way. Also, I pray that I will soon heal and be able accept the situation; most importantly wholeheartedly be ready to receive your calling to try discerning as well. Please let me not fear anything, and let me be courageous enough to open up my heart to you.
Your child
Dear God,
Recently, a person I really liked told me he will be discerning. He will leave the country next month, and the news was a bit sudden to me. A part of me is really happy and admiring that he chose you first in this life. Yet, a part of me also feels extremely sad for I have to say goodbye and let go.
It's a strange feeling for me, and it's still hard for me to accept but I pray that you will watch over him. May you guide him to where he needs to be in your will, and let his heart fully seek and serve you. Although I am really sad and not knowing when we'll meet again, I pray that you give me the strength to accept things that may be hard to accept at the moment. I just hope we will get the chance to actually bid each other a peaceful, friendly farewell.
Your child.
Dear God,
Lately, there has been a MERS virus spreading out in Korea. I'm currently working here, and there are only several months left before I head back to the states. The disease is deadly, and I'm really afraid it might spread to others and myself. I pray that I will be ok and that you will protect me and the others in Korea. Please let the virus eventually be controlled, and please watch over the victims who passed away due to this virus. In your name I pray.
Your child
Dear Lord,
The days are flying by and I only have 5 more months until I head back to the US. I am now 24 and I am praying that I will be able to get into graduate school the coming spring. My parents are old now and I realized how my mom is not so healthy lately. I pray that she will be able to rest and not have to work so hard; instead, I pray that she will be able to have a chance to leisurely work with something she enjoys and not have to worry so much about our financial situation. My parents' wishes for me is to get a stable career, and find a faithful Christian who will support and love me unconditionally. I pray so too, please look after my parents- my mom's health especially. Thank you my heavenly Father.
Your child
Dear God,
Recently I've experienced an immense pain in my lower back. I went to the hospital, and they said it might likely has to do with the disc in my back. I'm really scared because I'm now abroad and I do not have insurance that will cover for the huge expenses. I pray that it isn't the disc case, and I don't have to get surgery. I am all alone here, and it's terribly scary if I'm ill and injured. Please Lord help me and I am sorry for not overworking and neglecting my body without even realizing it. Please heal me physically, this I earnestly pray to you.
Your child,
Dear Lord,
Recently, I've been praying the right way again. I fill very blessed and so grateful, even when there's nothing special going on right now. I guess in that sense, it's still something to be grateful for because my life is stable and going well.
Lord, recently I found an opportunity, and the opportunity seems really big. I really want to be able to volunteer as an international Christian, Catholic leader at the World Youth Day which will be held in Poland next summer. It seems far away, but at the same time so near. I know it will be here soon, and I have this urge to want to help be of aid for the youths- helping them connect a relationship with you. The cost is very high, and I am not sure what will take place next year, but if you allow me I know you will provide. I just pray with my intention and wants, but for the rest and the timing, it's only up to you. Thank you Lord for giving me such desires to want to serve you and my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Your child
Dear God,
I have some inner conflict I am going through at the moment, and I feel very alone at times despite how I might portray myself to be on the outside. I just pray that I will be able to do what I need to do while I'm abroad right now. As hard as it is to have an unrequited love, especially around age 24. I know I cannot continue to pursue someone who doesn't want to pursue anything more than friends. For the past failed relationships, I always blamed myself for the problem, and always thought that if I keep trying it would eventually work out. Yet, sometimes when one is only trying too hard by themselves, it will still not work out either. Therefore, this time, I pray that I will be strong, and rely on your love, and not try too hard to seek for what I THINK is right for me. It will be a difficult struggle when I see the person, but I will strain away in order to abide to your will. Please help me father have this inner acceptance and peace to suffice the struggle.
Your child
Dear God,
I went to visit my family after a year and a half of living abroad. While living abroad, I felt really free, independent and my faith became stronger. I thought I was able to fully accept myself for who I am and where I came from. Yet, I realized it is still a struggle for me when I came home. It's so hard for me to accept the financial situation my parents are in when I came home. They are so poor, and they work so hard, but their occupation makes me feel sad. I wish our family didn't have to financially struggle so much, I wish we lived normal lives, and although I tried my best to see the goodness in things, it's still hard to be positive and joyful. It's hard to accept that we are poor and we cannot even have time to spend it together. I try my best to be be respectful, but a part of me wishes I didn't come home to see this truth. My soul feels weary and it's hard to find hope in such things. I just pray that you will still remain with me among the confusion, and turmoil I feel inside. Please help me to be strong for my family and continue to pray for them to be able to live better in the coming future. Even though I understand, it's still not easy for me to accept where I am at, and who I am. I just pray that you will continue to help me have a better and humbler heart like yours.
Your child
Dear God,
It is almost your son's birthday. A new year is about to come and there are so many things I am beyond thankful for. You made me become someone I never thought I was capable of doing- one of the church leaders for young adults. Being able to serve you this extra, unplanned year here was a blessing. Most of all, I want to thank you for giving me the chance to meet someone within the church who truly has mutual faith in you, and we both have feelings for each other. In a world that's so hard to even find your other half, I found someone I could connect with, and have him feel the same way I do. Yet, there also comes a barrier and struggle for us. Because both our futures are ominous, we cannot proceed despite our mutual feelings. I feel really sad but at the same time hopeful in you God. I never really knew you would lead me here in a foreign country to lead me closer to your love, so I know you always have big plans paved for me. I will continue to serve you, and will pray for what it is I would need to do to go in the path you've provided me. I pray for him as well and perhaps one day we'll come to meet again- in the same direction. Merry and Happy birthday Jesus.
Your Child
Dear God,
It has been almost 200 days since I've prayed for myself to find my spiritual mate. It's really hard at times to just only rely on you and your will. It's even harder to even be patient with what you'll be able to provide for me. I am always filled with confusions and questions which I cannot be able to answer myself. I like someone, and I just don't know why my feelings keep on insisting me that I must do something about it. Yet, at the same time, i know I've tried but nothing is proceeding- his side. At times I feel terribly wrong for being so upset and losing my temper, but in the end, I realize it's you I need to focus on, not him or what I personally want. So, I just want to ask for your peace, for your love, and for me to just focus on those aspects again. I know it's unbearably hard at times to like someone so much, and wishing there was some sort of sign or reciprocation, but there are times when we can only do so much. Therefore, I just ask that I may remain patient, understanding, and open minded .. so that perhaps I could slowly come to figure out what it is I would need to do.
Your child
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