Zack Gabriel
Zack Gabriel
May 13, 2021

God sets the lonely in families. Thats a promise for you in the bible. I cant imagine what you are going through, but God cares so much about you, never doubt that. Your life will be a testament to his Love and goodness. Even now hes sending people to surround you, to encourage you and to direct you into your calling. Get in to a spirit filled church if you arent. If you are, surround yourself with believers and be real with them. The devil attacks you right where you are called. Hes after the motherhood calling on you life, but dont be afraid you have the authority to put him in his place. You are a mother to the orphans and a comfort to the lonely. God has amazing things for you, even if you cant see it yourself right now. Don't shy away from it, or recluse. Press into your calling. Press into God.

In the name of Jesus I command all demonic activity to cease in her life. For strongholds to be broken and supernatural healing to be hers in body mind and spirit. I thank you for the calling on her life, that you bring spiritual parents to raise her in your kingdom, and that she is a mother to the motherless. God you know the pain she feels better than anyone ever could and I thank you for comfort only you can bring. Thank you her past is in her past and her future is so amazing that she cant even picture it right now. Thank you your love surrounds her and springs forth into others. In the name of Jesus amen!