Denise Kroenke
Denise Kroenke
Dec 31, 2020
Guest Commented on Anonymous' prayer request:

awwww, Lord, show me how to pray for this little old lady.., Father I just sense a lot of pain and hurt in this elderly lady's heart,,, oh but first I pray for the requester here thank for their heart to want to bless and show kindness, I just brush all those hurtful looks and attitudes off them, let not this elderly woman's meanness effect them and please encourage and uplift them in your love and goodness...

So Father i lift up the elderly lady to you, I ask that you minister to her hurt and pain, send your warring angels to free her from unforgiveness, anger and resentment, Lord, please don't let her go to her grave with unforgiveness in her heart, Lord visit her and give her a chance with your love, I have been asking you to teach me how to love, so visit this one, i pray for her a softening of her heart, i pray you pour your warm healing oil on the wounds of her heart, I pray for you to supernaturally touch her in a meaningful way that would bring about a change of heart, a change of mind, grant her repentance, would you bring about peace in the area in which she was wounded and affected, I am asking for a paradigm shift for myself so Lord I now ask this for the elderly lady, that you'd change the way she's viewed her past circumstances, so Lord whatever it was that caused this root of bitterness I ask that you bring remedy, bring resolve in your mercy & in your goodness & love, lay the axe to the root, for so great is your love for us that you'd not allow us to continue down a destructive path, but your love chases after us, chase after her Lord and catch her up in your arms, and let all pain, anger, bitterness and unforgiveness leave her, let not the enemy have his way, but I pray for her Salvation, that shed not only know you as her Savior & friend but as the lover of her soul,,,

Amen, In Jesus Name

Denise Kroenke
Dec 30, 2020

Lord, i just agree with Chris and thank you for Chris's heart to pray, to love & of compassion... show me how to pray for Wu...
I agree with Chris for Wu's life, Lord I just sense that first off that she will receive your love, that you will take her deeper with you than she's ever been, that you would encounter her, touch her in the depths of her heart, and give her a revelation of a relationship you want to have wit her... Lord , use these difficulties to cause her to look to you, but let her see you moving in this difficult time, Lord touch her in her mind, will and emotions, and break off the works of the enemy against her, let him not have dominion there, let not his plans prosper, I cancel his assignment against her health, her mind, her finances, her relationships, give her faith, strength, wisdom COURAGE, oh God we all need an abundance of courage to stand and face where we need to stand today, boldness and assertiveness, yes Lord, provide for her out of your abundance, every need she has, and most importantly first on the list is YOU, GIVE her YOU Lord, more of you, pour into her life that she'll not have to struggle, but be able to enter into true rest with you, that she won't have lack for anything... Lord l declare that she is NOT heading for disaster, but success... Fear, I sense fear, I command it to go, God thank you that you gave her a spirit of power, love and a sound mind, so yes, I cut off fear now in the name of Jesus and I release to her POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND... IN JESUS NAME, AMEN!

Denise Kroenke
Dec 30, 2020

Come on Ed lets agree together for all of us in your situation ...
Oh Lord, show me how to pray... Lord, there are so many right now with Ed's same situation, and Lord, we cry out to you, it's gonna take a move of your divine
hand to provide for Ed and the countless others walking in his shoes, we don't have the answer but you do... Lord, This covid thing is a spiritual war issue, and i remember its written in your word that you have laid up the wealth of the wicked for the sake of the righteous, and Here is Ed, a man standing in your righteousness, humbly seeking your face for provisions, its written I have never seen the righteous forsaken or begging for bread so I ask for a release of the funds he needs to be funneled down from even unforeseen and unexpected places... Lord right now, you have captivated our attention, our eyes are on you, for we know that you alone are our only help, our only hope, the enemy has come to steal, kill, and destroy, but you came that we'd have life and have it MORE abundantly, The enemy has come to take America down, to take each one of us down, but I partner with your Son Jesus who died for us and say "GOD FORBID" ... Lord, I plead the precious blood of Jesus over Ed, over his belongings, his heritage, and we thank you that you are faithful to keep your word... show us how to pray Lord, bless our homes, but have our full hearts, let us know your love, we need a divine encounter with you, heal our relationships with you, with one another, heal our bodies, heal our souls as well as our finances, You are a God of restoration and also restitution, as its written that if the thief is caught he must repay 7 fold, and we declare, you, satan, have been caught stealing again, and we bring you before our God of Justice and plead our case... and in the Name of Jesus release, a 7 fold return to Ed...
And we give all the praise and honor & glory to Jesus, Amen

Denise Kroenke
Dec 30, 2020

Ummm Father, show me how to pray, it's gonna take you, only you, I agree with Silvana for a miracle blessing on her Marriage, Lord its written that you hate divorce... it's not so much the law of it, but the spirit of it, it's division you hate, So Lord I pray for a Spirit of unity to fall upon her and her husband, I bind them together with you cause you said in ecclesiastics that a 3 cord stand is not quickly broken, so be there in their midst... Father right now, I ask for your Spirit to rest on her husband, I send out your warring angels and your ministering angels to tend to this particular marriage, I ask that you tenderize both their hearts to receive your word to them about their own part, I pray for a humbling of hearts, and agree with my sister that both take their own responsibility, show Silvana what you want her to do, how she can partner with you... so first i pray about her relationship with you, and her husbands relationship with you, that theyde give themselves fully to you, that each of them would know what it is to have an intimate relationship with you, so encounter them, let them have an experience with you and show them your love Lord give her hubby an encounter with you that he'd never forget, press upon his heart your love for him Lord would you just touch his heart right now to feel your love, and to receive healing from the intense battle & warfare in their relationship right now, heal his wounds and heal Silvanas wounds, pour in the oil of your love into both their hearts, show Silvana how to respond to her hubby and yes help him & guide him to know how to respond to his wife, show them how to be servants but lovers to you first and then to each other
Holy Spirit come, and fill them both! no matter where they are, don't allow hubby to go on his own and entertain the enemies lies and detours and attractions, Same with Silvana and don't allow them to participate with the devil against one another, but guide them and direct them in your love compel them to love & good deeds... so right now I cancel out the assignment of the spirit of division and divorce and I command them to go and I forbid them to harass her & her hubby... Lord I pray for the protection of their baby's heart, mind & soul over all that has gone on in the house, pour out your love and peace on this baby...

Have your way in their individual lives, and in their lives as ONE, and in their home... I speak and declare PEACE BE... in their home and I drive out every contentious spirit let it be a haven to both husband and wife, a place of rest, let him feel like the king of his house and yes Silvana the queen of her home, and them both knowing how to love and support one another, by knowing how to serve one another... In Jesus Name. amen

Denise Kroenke
Dec 30, 2020

Lord, show me how to pray for Flossy, what do you have for her today? As Jesus went around healing the sick , casting out evil spirits raising the dead and preaching the good news, its also written that He never did anything except for what He saw His Father doing, so Lord I ask you to show me what you want to do it Flossy's situation now... Thank you Father... LIFE!!! He wants to give you LIFE in exchange for the spirit of death, I declare over you right now that you Shall NOT DIE but you shall LIVE and declare the works of the Lord, so I break off the ministry of the spirit of suicide, death & murder from Flossy, I command it to go now... It is written, that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, and then He commissioned us to go do the same, so right now by the blood, authority and Name of Jesus, I just DESTROY THIS WORK that the enemy is trying to do in her life and I cancel out his assignment against her... I tell fear to go, anxiety to go, depression go! and I cut off the wagging lying tongue & words of the enemy, Lord I ask you to lay the axe to the root of this thing, Lord give her your truth, about your love for her...
You are the lover of her soul, help her to discern everything that's not from you, help her to know what you are saying and what words are from the devil, help to to take every thought captive and bring them to obedience and empower her to not receive the enemies lies, thank you Lord that NOTHING can separate her from your love, give her your knowledge, wisdom and understanding...

I pray that you draw her into you, HIDE her from the plots of the evil one... LORD, thank you for the relationship you desire to have with her, strengthen it, yea, the enemy doesn't want you to have that deep intimate relationship with the Lord BUT he cant stop it either cause I see God is pursuing you Flossy, He's calling you deeper into HIM, His love for you is go great, He loves listening to you, talking to you walking with you, your voice your heart is pleasing to Him and He hurts with you, There He is in your midst. He's seen your faith in that here you are crying out to Him, bearing your heart out in transparency before others, You are forgiven... you are not offensive to Him but LOVELY, and His judgement isn't on you, His judgment is on your enemy which is HIS enemy, He has set His seal on your, you have the mark of GOD on you as HIS own and His wrath is against him who would try to hinder your relationship with the Lord... Lord pour out your Spirit on her and in her infuse her, Love flow like a river to her now, God, encounter her now, change her life, change her world, change her circumstances, give her all wisdom & power to partner with you in all these things...
In Jesus Name

Denise Kroenke
Dec 30, 2020

Lord, you sent me here today to pray, Your WORD says that Jesus only did what HE saw the Father doing, so Lord show me how to pray for Mona, what do you want to do in Mona's life right now... OK, Lord release your love to Mona, pour out on her right now, surround her and her babies with your love and peace and release healing into their hearts & minds... release your knowledge, wisdom and understanding and show her what to do, She can hear your voice Lord, so stop the mouth of the enemy, stop the lies running through her head... and where the enemy has tried to disable her from overcoming in this situation, I thank you now you've opened the doors and have made a ways of escape, don't let her reason it out... I command the spirit of fear to cease & desist, i ask for faith, hope and COURAGE TO RISE UP IN HER, show her what to do and let her follow through
and NOT shrink back for fear, empower her now to act on your wise words of counsel, for you are the wonderful counselor... Lord you did NOT give her a spirit of GEAR, so it must GO, you gave her a spirit of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND mind, undo the effects of mental abuse, and let clarity of thoughts come, i release to her the ability to focus, to make decisions, and i cast off her lies that says she cant think in Jesus name, open up her thought processes which the enemy has tried to block, I proclaim her free! Bring her emotions into alignment, i speak BALANCE to her emotions right now.... it's ok to cry, thank you that you have bottled every tear and you have seen and you have hear every tear, every cry and plea for help, thank you for sending her that help now... I also ask for a release of provisions... Now Lord I thank you for that hedge of protection round bout her & her babies, I ask that her life turns around for good, that you smooth out all those rough places, that you give her beauty for all those ashes, those things that have burned up around her... thank for the plans & purposes you have for her, and they ARE GOOD! I just sence your great love for her, a better life for her and her kids, place comrades around her, knit her in relationships that are healthy and good and let her NOT be given over to abuse, but let her be given to the abundant life you have for her... Papa God, draw her in your arms, draw her into your heart, strengthen and secure her relationship with you, let your love so surround her that it wards off the enemy, let her receive your love, let it flow out around her that it is as a shield at this time of crisis, God, refresh her and re-fill her with your Spirit, let her have a love encounter with you and that she affix herself to you and the body of Christ to which she is apart of, you are the head and we are your body, she is in YOU, praise God, HIDE her now under the shelter of your wings, teach us all how to abide IN YOU... let her eyes be fixed on you, thank you for your faithfulness, that you never let her go, you will never fail her, for it is written that you hear us every time we cry out to you and you deliver us... so to Mona, knowledge, wisdom, empowerment, courage and ability to partner with you God cause she can't do this on her own, bless her mightily... In Jesus Name amen